Make the most of your lavender bags.
Hello everyone! I’ve just finished running a cheeky little deal on my lavender bags so I thought I’d write a post about how you can put them to good use if you snapped some up.
Personally, I cannot get enough of lavender and its sunny days and wonderful summer evenings scent. You can find lavender bags in my bedroom, sewing room, laundry, wardrobe and even in my car!
The floral aroma is commonly used in perfumes, soaps & recipes around the globe with a long history of being used in medicine. More recently lavender has been used to help ease anxiety symptoms where beneficial effects may help to improve moods, lower heart rates, lower adrenaline levels, regulate breathing and improve sleep quality.
This is the lavender I have growing down the sides of the path leading to my front door. It releases a wonderful scent everytime I brush against it when I enter and leave my house
Here are 6 fab ways to make the most out of your lavender bags:
1) Pop under your pillow to help you get a restful night’s sleep.
Here is my fur baby Bessie fast asleep with her little hedgehog lavender bag tucked under her arm.
Sleep therapist Richard Jolie suggests that ‘Rather than directly affecting the quality of sleep itself, research has shown the key effects of herbal fragrances like lavender help reduce stress levels thereby relaxing people enough for them to sleep much better’. How this works remains unclear.
2) Hang them in your car as a lovely alternative to a commercial air freshener.
This duck lavender bag hangs in my car and gives me a burst of lavender every time I get in.
3) Use them purely as decoration around your home – hang them from door handles, pop them on a window sill or just dot them around so that you can enjoy their relaxing, calming fragrance, which certainly beats any chemical filled plug in!
4) Hang them in your wardrobe. Lavender bags are a great way of stopping your clothes becoming a buffet for those pesky moths and will keep your clothes smelling wonderfully fresh at the same time.
Keep the moths at bay and keep your clothes smelling fresh at the same time.
Mothballs, which can use naphthalene but more commonly today use 1,4-dichlorobenzene compounds, work by these compounds evaporating slowly from the mothballs to create a gas toxic to moths. However, there is a growing concern over the effects of long-term human exposure to them.
Lavender on the other hand contains compounds that are members of the terpene family. Two such compounds (1,8-cineole and camphor) appear to be key contributors to the plants ability to keep moths at bay making them a great natural alternative to toxic mothballs.
5) Fantastic for making your clothes, sheets and blankets smell nice & fresh. This is one of the reasons that lavender is widely used in washing powder & fabric softener.
6) Wedding favours! It is said that lavender is a symbol of love and devotion. It is also said that lavender can bring good luck. So I can’t think of a better way to thank your guests for coming along to your special day….....especially if you pop little personalised tags on them.
They’ll also double up to help sooth any wedding day jitters with a few sniffs.
Beautiful wedding favours. Give them the personal touch by adding a personalised tag so your guests will remember your special day for years to come.
How long will my lavender bag last? YEARS!! Yes, really!
If you have older lavender bags in your home and the scent seems to of disappeared, just give them a gentle squeeze and a nice fresh lavender scent will be released. The reason they might need the occasional squeeze is due to the lavender scent being locked up in tiny oil glands on the lavender flower, so you have to physically break up the flower buds to release the timeless lavender scent.
All good things come to an end though and eventually the fragrance will wear out. You have a few options at this point though……….
A) replace the dried lavender inside
B) ‘freshen’ with a few drops of lavender essential oil
C) Buy a new one! And use the old one purely as decoration. You can find my lavender bags here:
My Bluebell Love lavender bag designs.
My lavender bags are filled with organic dried English lavender buds that have been specifically cultivated for their oil and fragrance in beautiful fields.
I hope you enjoy your lavender bags in all of these ways!
Until next time,
Liz x