Blue Tit Lavender Bag


Meet Benjamin Tittlesworth, this enchanting little chap adds a splash of colour and a whole lot of friendliness wherever he goes.

Each bag is filled with dried organic lavender (no filler/stuffing) with a pleasant relaxing scent and finished with a twine loop perfect for attaching to a hanger in your wardrobe. Alternatively place in a drawer to give your clothes a wonderful gentle scent, place under a pillow to aid a restful sleep or hang in your car as a fun way to add freshness.

Each Blue Tit print is truly special because of the fun two-colour printing process. Each print will have a varying colour blend with some showing off more of their belly colour than others. Don’t worry, though - I’ll do my very best to match up pairs that look alike for the front and back of your lavender bag.

A common question I get asked is: how long will my lavender bag last for? Well, your lavender bags can last for a great number of years. If you have an older lavender bag in your home and the scent seems to have disappeared, just give them a gentle squeeze and a nice fresh lavender scent will be released.

See below for product details and care.

Delivery Restriction: I'm terribly sorry, but I can only offer delivery for these lavender bags within the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). Thank you so much for understanding!

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Meet Benjamin Tittlesworth, this enchanting little chap adds a splash of colour and a whole lot of friendliness wherever he goes.

Each bag is filled with dried organic lavender (no filler/stuffing) with a pleasant relaxing scent and finished with a twine loop perfect for attaching to a hanger in your wardrobe. Alternatively place in a drawer to give your clothes a wonderful gentle scent, place under a pillow to aid a restful sleep or hang in your car as a fun way to add freshness.

Each Blue Tit print is truly special because of the fun two-colour printing process. Each print will have a varying colour blend with some showing off more of their belly colour than others. Don’t worry, though - I’ll do my very best to match up pairs that look alike for the front and back of your lavender bag.

A common question I get asked is: how long will my lavender bag last for? Well, your lavender bags can last for a great number of years. If you have an older lavender bag in your home and the scent seems to have disappeared, just give them a gentle squeeze and a nice fresh lavender scent will be released.

See below for product details and care.

Delivery Restriction: I'm terribly sorry, but I can only offer delivery for these lavender bags within the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). Thank you so much for understanding!

Meet Benjamin Tittlesworth, this enchanting little chap adds a splash of colour and a whole lot of friendliness wherever he goes.

Each bag is filled with dried organic lavender (no filler/stuffing) with a pleasant relaxing scent and finished with a twine loop perfect for attaching to a hanger in your wardrobe. Alternatively place in a drawer to give your clothes a wonderful gentle scent, place under a pillow to aid a restful sleep or hang in your car as a fun way to add freshness.

Each Blue Tit print is truly special because of the fun two-colour printing process. Each print will have a varying colour blend with some showing off more of their belly colour than others. Don’t worry, though - I’ll do my very best to match up pairs that look alike for the front and back of your lavender bag.

A common question I get asked is: how long will my lavender bag last for? Well, your lavender bags can last for a great number of years. If you have an older lavender bag in your home and the scent seems to have disappeared, just give them a gentle squeeze and a nice fresh lavender scent will be released.

See below for product details and care.

Delivery Restriction: I'm terribly sorry, but I can only offer delivery for these lavender bags within the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). Thank you so much for understanding!

Details and Care

Each bag is filled with dried organic lavender (no filler/stuffing) with a pleasant relaxing scent and finished with a twine loop perfect for hanging. 

Lavender bags are approx. 2.5" x 4"(7cm x 10cm).

Lavender bags are double sided with the same print design on the back (although the Dandy Hop Lavender bags have a sitting rabbit on the back). 

Do not wash.

Colours may vary slightly between my products due to paints being hand mixed. 

I try to ensure that every product is accurately represented online, however this can sometimes be tricky as there is a huge variation on how different displays present colours.

As each one is individually hand printed, print placement may vary slightly.

Delivery Restriction: I'm terribly sorry, but I can only offer delivery for these lavender bags within the UK (excluding Northern Ireland). Thank you so much for understanding!

Limited Edition Lavender Bag
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